Archive for September, 2008

Bernie makes Ichigo Daifuku!

YES! I’ve finally done all my remaining assignments before the 2 week holiday break! Will be doing lots of baking and attending outings with friends~ Yay.

I’ve had planned to make Ichigo Daifuku (イチゴ大福) for awhile after obtaining this Japanese game (かんたん!たのしい!お菓子ナビDS) that teaches you how to make Japanese desserts. I’ll probably do a short review on the game soon after getting some screen shots, its basically something similar to ‘Cooking Guide: Can’t decide what to eat?‘. So after recently buying a container of strawberries from Victoria Market, I decided to make Ichigo Daifuku after my last Mid Semester Test on Wednesday.


Plain Daifuku filled with red bean paste~

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Time to grind my mind!

Did you guys know that I absolutely hate Mid Semester tests which start tomorrow?




Yep, now you know…

I have this list of things to bake, its just that revising for these tests are making me stick to my trusty recipes for baked goods for a while. I also have my brother’s birthday coming up, and he calls for chocolate cake! YES! Another chocolate based recipe unless I can take better mochi photos before posting the birthday boy’s cake! OTL

PS. For people wondering what OTL means, taken from Wikipedia: “In text language, OTL represents a stick figure on its hands and knees. This represents disappointment or shock.”

Hopefully I won’t use it often.